
Estate Planning

Estate planning expertise you can count on.

San Francisco Probate Lawyers.

Every individual needs to develop a plan for accumulating an estate and passing it on to his or her beneficiaries. The Bassin law firm provides estate planning services for The Bay Area and all accross Northern California that emphasize organizing in advance for all contingencies, including disability and placeholder, through efficient, effective wills, trusts and powers of attorney. Recognizing that each client has unique needs, our estate planning attorneys work closely with the client’s accountant and financial planning professionals to structure an estate plan that minimizes taxes and promotes family harmony, utilizing a number of Probate and non-Probate asset transfer strategies.

San Francisco Estate planning you can count on.

We also represent executors or administrators throughout Probate court proceedings. This process generally involves the identification and collection of assets, liquidation of liabilities, payment of necessary taxes and distribution of property. We are also qualified to counsel on any Litigation issues that may arise in the course of the administration of an estate in California, including will contests, accountings, tax Litigation or actions brought against trustees or representatives of the estate. Our San Francisco estate planning Lawyerss work hard to ensure that the wishes of our clients are respected and that their needs will be met if they should ever become unable to make their desires known. Careful estate planning can spare your loved ones unnecessary hardship and expense later on.

Contact us today at 415-753-5245 to set up a consultation.

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